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We have a full and exciting programme of seminars and discussion groups being prepared for you in 2025, led by the leading voices of children & family ministry in the UK. Create your own customized programme of seminars or track one of our themes or streams.

Flip through our booklet below, or scroll down for an overview of our sessions.

Session types:

In addition to our keynote sessions, we have 4 different types of sessions:

  1. Long sessions – these traditional one hour sessions give you an opportunity to explore an area in depth.
  2. Short sessions – these 15 minute sessions are packed with ideas in a concentrated form.
  3. Networking sessions – a chance for you to meet and network with other people who share your heart for a specific area.
  4. Table top discussions – these smaller discussion groups allow you to reflect on specific areas (please note places for these are limited and will need to be prebooked).

Seminar streams:

Our sessions are split into 6 streams, so you know the kind of content that will be found in each one:

  • Starting – helping those who are new to children & family ministry, or those wanting to get a basic understanding of a topic.
  • Thinking – grappling with the theology that underpins our ministry practice.
  • Creating – Creative, hands on ideas to enrich your ministry.
  • Growing – for those ready to take their ministry to the next level.
  • Reaching – Reaching out to those who do not know Christ yet.
  • Researching – Presenting the latest research and reflecting on how this affects our work on the ground.

Seminar themes:

You can make your own programme or track one of our 8 themes:
  • Under 5s – for ministry to under 5s.
  • Ministering to vulnerable children – for helping the most vulnerable children in our society.
  • Releasing children to minister – does what it says on the tin.
  • Family ministry – working with the whole family.
  • Holy Spirit ministry – for if you are interested in helping your children know and grow with the Holy Spirit
  • Fulfilling the great commission – keen to reach every child in your area, track with this theme.
  • Team development – if you head up the children’s ministry this theme is for you.
  • Senior leaders’ track – including some sessions exclusively for senior leaders.

For more details look at the booklet above.

Starting stream

The faith nurturing church community

Thriving Together: Building strong teams with limited hands  

Helping children engage with the Bible

Church & Parents – the perfect partnership

Leading a Holy Spirit empowered children’s session

Creating stream

Hands on ways to help children get to know the Holy Spirit

Creative prayer with children & young people at home, school & church

Media toolkit: Enriching your children’s ministry

Creative ways to develop your team

Growing stream

Children & Grief

Children in revival

Raising children to lead

Equipping children to bring heaven on earth

Emerging faith – from here to eternity

Grabbing their children – Equipping teens to walk with Jesus

Roots & shoots – an introduction to child development

Responding to baby loss

Thinking stream

What does it mean to be made in the image of God?

Partnering with others: essential practice or major headache?

Handling awkward questions from children

He will pour out his Spirit on all generations

What about the screens? Children’s ministry in a digital age

Exclusive session for Senior Leaders of churches

Reaching stream

Supporting vulnerable children & families

Missional storytelling – how to parable like Jesus

Revealing Jesus framework

They can do it!

Running an outreach event

Open the book

Researching stream

Toddler’s in the nexus of faith

Exploring hybrid mission to children

Growing Faith Foundation research

Working as a team!

For more details look at the booklet above. 

Starting stream

What am I going to say?

5 keys for leaders

Equipping parents to nurture faith

Creating stream

5 encounter stations

10 household objects for sharing faith

Creative ways God speaks

Growing stream

Faithful media use

5 things every senior leader should know

5 tips for leading children in worship

5 ways to help children engage in worship

15 minutes to catch your breath

Thinking stream

Church history’s top 10 Time Machine tour

10 things your children should know about the church

10 things your kids need to know about Jesus

Reaching stream

Messy church goes wild

How to start in your local school

Get up & moving – how games and sports can be used in mission

10 resources for outreach

Please note, to allow for constructive discussions for attendees, spaces for these sessions are limited and will need to be prebooked. Details of how to book and more details on each session will be released closer to the conference.

1. School Chaplaincy

2. Home Education

3. Bringing a book to market

4. Releasing a worship song

5. Producing high quality research

6. Supporting grandparents

7. Setting up a toddler group

Grab your lunch and join on of our 5 groups to network with others who share you heart. 

1. Intergenerate UK networking

2. Rural missions networking lunch

3. Schools ministry networking lunch

4. Under 5s networking lunch

5. Senior Leaders gathering


We have a full programme of sessions, seminars, and networking together. Take a look at it here.



With multiple seminars across different streams we have something for everyone.



Find out about our amazing keynote and seminar speakers who will be sharing with us at the conference.



We have the largest  exhibition of children’s and family ministry in the UK. Gain ideas, resources and great conversations.


Discover our accessibility arrangements for all delegates and inform us of your unique needs. 

Food & Accommodation

Discover our food pass and other options for food and accommoation.

Prize Draw Products

One delegate is going to win ALL of these products that are new in the last 12 months.



Download resources to share with your team and promote the conference on social media.



Accommodation, food, parking and more. Read our frequently asked questions to get the details.


Book now

Book your space at the conference today.