More seminars are being added as they are confirmed. Choose from around 40 seminar options in one of our 6 seminar streams:
Starting, Creating, Thinking, Growing, Reaching & Researching.
Do you fancy following a particular theme of seminars at the confernece? We’ve developed four themes that select seminars from the different streams. Our themes are: Family, outreach, under 5s and additional needs. Or simply select whichever seminar you fancy in each of the seminar slots. To find out what’s on when, take a look at our programme page.
Please note, the Researching stream will present research from the past year and will only be taking place on the Friday of the conference.

Starting stream
A series of seminars for those starting out in children’s ministry.
Equipping parents and carers to disciple their kids and teens
Parents and carers are the best people to help their kids and teens meet and know God. We’ll explore how we, as leaders, can equip them with the skills and tools they need to feel confident to do this.
Led by Lauren Sheath, Parenting for faith with input from the Additional Needs Alliance team.
1 hour session.
How to get the most out of my material
A look at preparing for the Sunday school session, using published material. How to transfer the paper ideas into a live session that meets the needs of the people in your group.
Led by Dave Gidney, from Children Worldwide.
1 hour session.
Culture change - starting with me
We’ll be focusing on your own context and reflecting on how you might lead culture change there so that children and young people are at the heart of your church.
Led by Lucy Moore, from Growing Faith Foundation.
1 hour session.
Introducing adults to faith through toddler groups
Hear practical ways and real examples about how you can make your toddler group an outreach. The focus is on introducing God’s love to the adults in a gentle and accessible way – resulting in much fruit.
Refresh is a toddler group with a difference. The focus is on introducing God’s love to the adults in a gentle and accessible way – resulting in much fruit.
Led by Caroline Montgomery, pioneer of Refresh toddler groups.
1 hour session.
Few children - great impact
If you have a small number of children across a wide age range then this is the session for you. How can you create a session that is meaningful and engaging for all who attend.
Led by Adenike Jimoh, from Redeemed Christian Church of God & Dave Gidney, from Children Worldwide.
1 hour session.
Safeguarding in a nutshell
Safeguarding can be daunting; Paul will share key tips to ensure your children and young people remain safe. He will introduce some amazing thirtyone:eight resources including Roarry the Lion.
Led by Paul Lailey, from thirty one eight.
15 minute session.
Top tips for finding and keeping volunteers
How can we recruit the right volunteers and what can we do to help retain them? We’ll be looking at practical ways to encourage people to join the team and creative ideas to help them stay.
Led by Adenike Jimoh, from Redeemed Christian Church of God.
15 minute session.
What could discipleship look like in your group?
This is to be dreaming dreams … trying to fulfil the great commission of making disciples, but recognising that a lot of our groups dont look like that. A melting pot of possibilities, from us all.
Led by Dave Gidney, from Children Worldwide.
15 minute session.
Creative stream
Be inspired by fresh and practical ideas for your children’s ministry.
Also look out for our hands on area where you can learn and try out different teaching tools.
Cultivating creative prayer spaces with children & young people
Join us for an interactive learning session on the what, the why & the how, of cultivating creative prayer spaces in the communities you are based.
Led by Naomi Halse & Emily Lord, from prayer spaces in schools.
1 hour session.
Being intentional about family worship
In this session, Shell will explore the importance of worshipping God as a family and how you can create a culture of ‘family worship in church and at home.
Led by Shell Perris, from ALIVE Family Worship.
1 hour session.
Discover the potential of puppet ministry
Come and be inspired on how puppets can transform your ministry with loads of practical ideas and demonstrations for you to take and use both in church and for outreach too.
Led by Ian Jones, from One Way UK.
1 hour session.
Children at the Table?
What does Intergenerational Communion look like? Explore the joys and challenges of children taking Communion, with practical ideas and accessible prayers to welcome everyone to the Lord’s Table.
Led by Melanie Cave, from Roots for Churches.
1 hour session.
10 ways to share the Gospel in 10 minutes
This session does what it says on the tin – we’ll share 10 different creative ways you can share the heart of the Gospel with children.
Led by Olly Goldenberg, from Children Can.
15 minutes session.
Intergenerational Discipleship - why, what and how best to go about it.
Find out what Messy Church is learning about journeying with Jesus throughout life (discipleship), with a mix of different generations in the room.
Led by Aike Kennett-Brown, from Messy Church (BRF Ministries).
15 minutes session.
Thinking stream
Grappling with some of the bigger issues of today and diving into the Bible to see what it has to say about them as we shape our ministries around God’s word.
Are kids saved - and does it matter?: Exploring a theology of childhood salvation
How can a child be a Christian? And how does that affect how you speak the gospel to them? We’ll dive deeply into how big brains have explored that question.
Led by Robin Barfield, from Oak Hill College.
1 hour session.
The culture children live in
Artificial intelligence, gender fluidity, expressive individualism, environmental angst, grooming and poverty – contemporary culture can be daunting to think about – but it’s not all bad. This seminar will take in the landscape of contemporary culture.
Led by Gareth Crispin, from For Mission College.
1 hour session.
The ethics of evangelism
Have you ever seen something in outreach to children that made you uncomfortable? This seminar will open up a discussion around what is acceptable in evangelism to and with children and families.
Led by Gareth Crispin, For Mission College.
1 hour session.
The theology of disability
‘Will I be autistic in heaven?’ (Ethan, aged 8) – If you’re not sure how you would answer this why not come and delve into the world of disability theology and childhood.
Led by Robin Barfield, from Oak Hill College and Kay Morgan-Gurr & Mark Arnold, from the Additional Needs Alliance.
1 hour session.
10 core beliefs children should know
Sometimes we’re tempted to just tell Bible stories, but children are able (and keen) to know deep truths about God. Join us as we cover the top 10 Christian beliefs that children will marvel at when they hear about them.
Led by Robin Barfield, from Oak Hill College.
15 minutes session.
10 words children know that you should know
Seemingly, every minute children are using a new word – it’s hard to keep up. If you want to be known as the GOAT children’s leader then join us to hear 10 of the latest words doing the rounds.
Led by Gareth Crispin, from For Mission College.
15 minutes session.
10 people who influence today's children
Who is shaping the life worlds of Generation Alpha? North West? Mr Beast? Lorenzo Greer? come and hear about 10 of the most influential.
Led by Gareth Crispin, from For Mission College.
15 minutes session.
Growing stream
In this stream we will be thinking about how we can disciple our children to live for God and to grow more like Jesus.
Helping children to encounter the Holy Spirit
The Bible says, that the Holy Spirit is a Helper, and children need help. Lots of practical ideas to introduce children to Him and His work.
Led by Heather Thompson, from Powerpack.
1 hour session.
Why Genesis Matters
Taking a look at why we should teach our children about the history in the book of Genesis. This book is often undermined in society, but it is crucial for their understanding of the Gospel.
Led by Simon Turpin, from Answers in Genesis.
1 hour session.
Children's ministry - a place of healing?
Increasing numbers of children have suffered trauma and exhibit high levels of anxiety. How can we partner with the Holy Spirit to help such children towards the healing they need?
Led by Heather Thompson, from Powerpack ministries
1 hour session.
Under 5s and the Holy Spirit
How can we partner with the Holy Spirit to help our youngest children know and grow with God? Let’s explore together how we can see Holy Spirit released through our children to bring them into encounters and friendship with Jesus.
Led by Samantha Smith, children’s minister.
1 hour session.
Can children change our nation
Be inspired by testimony and practical ideas to equip and activate children in ministry, at home, through church, in your community and in our nation.
Led by Trevor Johnson, from Children Changing Nations & Lucy Shepherd, from Home for Good.
1 hour session.
10 in 10 missional ideas for families
Simple ideas to help you get started as families and households to embrace God’s mission right where you are.
Led by Alan Charter, from Global Children’s Forum.
15 minutes session.
Helping children engage with the Bible
Exploring feedback from young people on ways to engage with the Bible and resources available to help them engage.
Led by Kristin Stevenson, from the Bible Society.
15 minutes session.
Lectio for families live!
Join us for a Lectio for Families, live! devotional. (Lectio for Families is an app that helps families to read the Bible and explore faith through conversation and prayer together.)
Led by Naomi Halse & Emily Lord, from prayer spaces in schools.
15 minutes session.
Reaching stream
In this stream we will be looking at practical ways we can reach out into our communities as part of our strategy to share the good news of Jesus with every child in this nation, every year.
Entering the digital space
Is it ok to use digital tools in children’s ministry and if so, what are some of the best tools available for churches of all sizes in ministry and outreach?
Led by Joanne Gilchrist, from Ruach Resources and Jorge Herrera from Journey of Grace app.
1 hour session.
'A New Thing' - Hope For A New Generation
What is God doing and how should the church respond? Examining the current context, drawing on lessons from 23 years in children’s ministry, and exploring practical effective missional approaches.
Led by Domenico Conidi, from Scripture Union.
1 hour session.
Bringing as many children as possible under the sound of the Gospel
There is a window of opportunity that God has kept opened for revival in the UK: gospel in schools! Join us in bringing as many children as possible under the sound of the gospel.
Led by Joseph Bediako, from Innvoation Kidz.
1 hour session.
Supporting children and families whilst they're hurting - Trauma, Vulnerability and Family Breakdown.
In this seminar, Safe Families will share some of their experience in supporting children and families through difficult situations, with input from their partners in the Children and Families Alliance (Home for Good, TLG and Kids Matter).
Led by Nick Harris, from Safe Families.
1 hour session.
Reaching & keeping unchurched children
Practical ways to reach and keep children from unchurched backgrounds, supporting them as they grow in relationship with the church and with Jesus.
Led by Mark Griffiths, from St Padarn’s Institute.
1 hour session.
10 ways to reach children in 10 minutes
In this fast paced session we will be hearing 10 different ways that we can share the Gospel with our children locally that have proved fruitful.
Led by a variety of speakers including: Additional Needs Alliance, Good News for everyone, Innovation Kidz, Life Exhibition, Manna theatre, Messy church, Prayer spaces in schools, Pulse Ministries, Refresh cafe, Scripture Union.
15 minutes session.
Walk through the Bible
Come and experience this syllabus friendly, interactive way to inspire children in schools with God’s Story.
Led by Ruth Cross, from Walk throuhg the Bible.
15 minutes session.
Researching stream
In this stream we will be looking at reasearch that has been conducted in the past year and discussing together the implications of this research in our ministry with children and families.
Are they overlooked? The role of grandparents in children's faith journeys
Insights from research with Christian grandparents about their role in their grandchild’s faith nurture, as we consider how the church could equip and encourage them more.
Led by Sarah Holmes, from Liverpool Hope University.
1 hour session.
Is it working? Exploring approaches of empowering parents to pass their faith onto their children
We’ll share findings from research about what parents, churches and schools told us and also include some tips for how you could empower parents more in your own setting.
Led by Sarah Holmes, from Liverpool Hope University.
1 hour session.
The future of children's ministry
We will look at some major digital trends coming over the next 5 years, including technology and AI, which will influence the wider environment within which we seek to disciple children.
Led by Paul Taylor, from Raise Up Faith.
1 hour session.
Under 5s and holiness
Exploring under5s understanding of holiness.
Led by Carolyn Edwards, from Church of England.
15 minutes session.
We have a full programme of sessions, seminars, and time together. Take a look at it here.
With 40 seminars across 6 different streams we have something for those just starting out and those with years of experience.
With over 40 exhibitors you will leave brimming with ideas, resources and great conversations.
One delegate is going to win ALL of these products that are new in the last 12 months.
Book your space at the conference today.