14:00 Registration opens
14:30-15:30 Seminar options – session 1
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00 Seminar options – session 2
17:00-18:30 Supper break
18:30-20:15 Main session 1
with Ade Omooba
20:15-20:30 Break
20:30-21:30 Selah Worship time:
Worshipping our God together
08:30 Registration opens
09:15-10:15 Seminar options – session 3
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12.30 Main session 2
with Lucy Moore
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30-14:30 Seminar options – session 4
14:30-14:50 Break
14:50-15:05 Short slots – session 1
15:05-15:15 Movement between sessions
15:15-15:30 Short slots – session 2
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:00 Seminar options session 5
17:00-18:30 Supper break
18:30-20:15 Main session 3
with Mark Griffiths
20:15-20:30 Break
20:30-21:30 Selah Prayer time:
Praying for the nation’s children & families
08:30 Registration opens
09:00-09:55 Seminar options – session 6
10:00-11:30 Main session 4
The Intergenerational Experience*
11:30-12:00 Break
12:00-12:15 Short slots – session 3
12:15-13:00 Main session 5
Special commissioning service for delegates
13:00 End of conference
What’s on when? Our seminar options
With 40 options to choose from, plan your seminar options before you come to the conference. You can follow specific streams which indicate the style of programme, track through different themes or select the seminars that interest you in each option. The choice is yours!
Click the tabs below to see what’s running when.
Visit our seminar page for more details on each seminar.
- S1 - Fri 14:30
- S2 - Fri 16:00
- S3 - Sat 09:15
- S4 - Sat 13:30
- Sh1 - Sat 14:50
- Sh2 - Sat 15:15
- S5 - Sat 16:00
- S6 - Sun 09:00
- Sh3 - Sun 12:00
Seminar 1 options
Friday 14:30-15:30
1. The future of children’s ministry, with Paul Taylor (Researching stream)
2. Help children encounter the Holy Spirit, with Heather Thompson (Growing stream)
3. Are kids saved – and does it matter? with Robin Barfied (Thinking stream)
4. Are they overlooked? The role of grandparents in children’s faith journey, with Sarah Holmes (Researching stream)
Seminar 2 options
Friday 16:00-17:00
1. Is it working? Exploring approaches of empowering parents to pass on their faith, with Sarah Holmes (Researching stream)
2. Entering the digital space, with Jorge Herrera & Joanne Gilchrist (Reaching stream)
3. Holiness in the under 5s, with Carolyn Edwards (Researching stream)
4. Why Genesis matters, with Simon Turpin (Growing stream)
Seminar 3 options
Saturday – 09:15-10:15
1. Equipping parents and carers to disciple their kids and teens, with Lauren Sheath (Starting stream)
2. Cultivating creative spaces with children & young people, with Naomi Halse & Emily Lord (Reaching stream)
3. Under 5s and the Holy Spirit, with Sam Smith (Growing stream)
4. The culture children live in, with Gareth Crispin (Thinking stream)
Seminar 4 options
Saturday – 13:30-14:30
1. Culture change – starting with me! with Lucy Moore (Starting stream)
2. Children’s Ministry – a place of healing? with Heather Thompson (Growing stream)
3. Being intentional about family worship, with Shell Perris (Creating)
4. The ethics of child evangelism, with Gareth Crispin & Kay Morgan-Gurr (Thinking stream)
5. Introducing adults to faith through toddler groups, with Caroline Montgomerry (Starting stream)
6. ‘A new thing’ – Hope for a new generation, with Domenico Conidi (Reaching stream)
Short session 1 options
Saturday – 14:50-15:05
1. 10 ways to share the Gospel, with Olly Goldenberg (Creating stream)
2. 10 missional ideas for families, with Alan Charter (Growing stream)
3. Intergeneraitonal discipleship – why, what & how, with Aike Kennet-Brown (Creating stream)
4. Top tips for finding and keeping volunteers, with Adenike Jimoh (Starting stream)
5. 10 core Christian beliefs every child should know, with Robin Barfield (Thinking stream)
Short session 2 options
Saturday – 15:15-15:30
1. 10 ways to reach children, with 10 organisations. (Reaching stream)
2. Helping children engage with the Bible, with Kristin Stevenson (Growing stream)
3. Walk through the Bible, with Ruth Cross (Reaching stream)
4. 10 words children know that you should know, with Gareth Crispin (Thinking stream)
5. Safeguarding in a nutshell, with Paul Lailey (Starting stream)
Seminar 5 options
Saturday – 16:00-17:00
1. Supporting children & families whilst they’re hurting, with Nick Harris (Reaching stream)
2. Can children change our nation? with Trevor Johnson & Lucy Shepherd (Growing stream)
3. How to get the most out of my material, with Dave Gidney (Starting stream)
4. Bringing as many children as possible under the sound of the Gospel, with Joseph Bediako (Reaching stream)
5. Theology of disability, with Robin Barfield, Kay Morgan-Gurr & Mark Arnold (Thinking stream)
6. Discover the potential of puppet ministry, with Ian Jones (Creating stream)
Seminar 6 options
Sunday – 09:00-09:55
1. Reaching & keeping unchurched children, with Mark Griffiths (Reaching stream)
2. Children at the table? with Melanie Cave (Creating stream)
3. Few children great impact, with Dave Gidney & Adenike Jimoh (Starting stream)
Short session 3 options
Sunday – 12:00-12:15
1. Lectio for families live! with Naomi Halse & Emily Lord (Growing stream)
2. What could discipleship look like in your group, with Dave Gidney (Starting stream)
3. 10 people who influence today’s children, with Gareth Crispin (Thinking stream)
Seminar themes
If you have a specific area of interest we have four themes that move across our streams allowing you: Under 5s, family, outreach and additional needs. You can follow a themed path through the weekend click the tabs below for suggestions of seminars you could attend within each theme. Of course you can also dip in and out of these suggestions as much or as little as you like! See above for the list of sessions running in seminar slot.
14:30-15:30 Are they overlooked? The role of grandparents in children’s faith journeys
16:00-17:00 Is it working? Exploring approaches of empowering parents to pass their faith onto their children
09:15-10:15 Equipping parents and carers to disciple their kids and teens
13:30-14:30 Being intentional about family worship
14:50-15:05 10 in 10 missional ideas for families
16:00-17:00 Supporting children and families whilst they’re hurting
09:00-09:55 Children at the table
12:00-12:15 Lectio for families
14:30-15:30 Are kids saved – and does it matter? Exploring a theology of childhood salvation
16:00-17:00 Entering the digital space
09:15-10:15 The culture children live in
13:30-14:30 The ethics of child evangelism
14:50-15:05 10 ways to share the Gospel (in 10 minutes)
16:00-17:00 Bringing as many children as possible under the sound of the Gospel
09:00-09:55 Reaching and keeping unchurched children
12:00-12:15 10 people who influence todays children
14:30-15:30 Are kids saved – and does it matter? Exploring a theology of childhood salvation
16:00-17:00 Holiness in the under 5s
09:15-10:15 Under 5s and the Holy Spirit
13:30-14:30 Being intentional about family worship
OR Introducing adults to faith through toddler groups
14:50-15:05 Inergenerational discipleship
15:15-15:30 Safeguarding in a nutshell
16:00-17:00 Discover the potential of puppet ministry
09:00-09:55 Children at the table?
12:00-12:15 What could discipleship look like in your group?
14:30-15:30 Helping children to encounter the Holy Spirit
16:00-17:00 Is it working? Exploring approaches of empowering parents to pass their faith onto their children
09:15-10:15 Equipping parents and carers to disciple their kids and teens
13:30-14:30 The ethics of child evangelism
14:50-15:05 Inergenerational discipleship
15:15-15:30 10 ways to reach children
16:00-17:00 The theology of disability
09:00-09:55 Few children great impact
*The Intergenerational Experience (Sunday 10:00-11:30): Intergenerational services can pose one of the biggest challenges to leaders and ministers. Sometimes it is better to experience what is possible rather than hear someone talk about it. That’s why we have chose to run not one, but two intergenerational services as one of our main sessions. The first one, Praising together, will be a lively service for all ages, suitable for large numbers. The second, Growing together, will be a multisensory service, taking into account those with individual additional needs of all ages (and those with none).
We have a full programme of sessions, seminars, and time together. Take a look at it here.
With 40 seminars across 6 different streams we have something for those just starting out and those with years of experience.
With over 40 exhibitors you will leave brimming with ideas, resources and great conversations.
One delegate is going to win ALL of these products that are new in the last 12 months.
Book your space at the conference today.